Mars is the cruelest planet afflicting the birth horoscope of a person. If placed unfavorably, Mars is the most damaging planet for the married life. Mangal Dosha is also known as Kuja Dosha and Bhauma Dosha. The person having Mangal Dosha is known as Manglik.
Mars positioned in first, second, fourth, seventh, eighth or twelfth house in a Kundali creates Mangal Dosha. Mangal Dosha should be checked not only in Lagna chart but also in Moon chart and Venus chart.
As per the Kundali houses Mangal Dosh calculation has been done by the percentage like 100%, 150% and 200%. There are different impacts of Mangal Dosh according to house of kundali like Mangal in 1st, 4th and 8th house.
You will get all information about Mangal Dosh by Expert Marriage Astrologer Swami Gagan if you choose us for the calculation of Mangal Dosh. Pay the cost and share the details to check the mangal dosh in your kundali.
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